How I can support your healing

I get it, there is a lot to navigate in this self-healing space and a lot to read and digest here on this website.

Let me simplify things for you by clearly outlining the various ways that I can help you, with different examples and directions you can take to find the right recipe for healing that suits your needs and your budget.

It's a tricky wobbly road to walk alone, so let me help!

How I can support your healing image.
As seen in...

Let me show you how we heal

There are a few different pieces to the recovery puzzle that need to take place for the nervous system to regulate and chronic symptoms to heal. 

And depending on where you direct your attention, together we will...

  • Learn about the mind-body connection and how to heal chronic conditions by addressing the nervous system and our emotions.
  • Find inner safety with tools created specifically for the self-healing community covering important healing themes.
  • Get support and guidance from experts in this space with my favourite free online resources.
  • Trust your body to move and breathe with ease with gentle yoga, meditation and breathwork practices to get out of your head and into your body.
  • Understand the importance of emotional expression and how to process your feelings somatically.
  • Figure out how your old coping mechanisms and personality traits are perpatuating nervous system dysregulation, and overcome them with mindset work and brain retraining (that sounds painful, I promise it's not!)

FREE Options

Mind-body healing resources

Let's start with the various ways I can help you using the free content and tools I have created online. This should give you a good idea of where to start or where to pick up from if you are feeling a little lost in what to do.

Free Recovery Journey Roadmap

My personal story and healing guide covering the fundamental steps I took to heal my chronic pain condition, reviewing and linking all the important resources I used and experts I followed. 
Get the Roadmap

Free Recovery Tools

All the online resources I used to heal including a free JournalSpeak guide with prompts and ideas, podcasts, YouTube channels, books and expert content to support your learning and healing.
Explore Free Resources

Free Email Subscription

Join my community email list and be the first to know about any new content I add to my website, or offers I share in the self-healing space. You will not be spammed and your information is kept private.
Sign up to emails

Free Educational Podcast Episodes

Gain insight and inspiration on how I healed using the mind-body connection with this curated Spotify playlist of the various interviews I have been a part of in the self-healing space.
Get the Playlist

Free Social Media

I share insight and high-value content every day on Instagram and Facebook, with lots of free help and guidance there.
Instagram Facebook

Free YouTube Channel

Recovery content and success stories on my free YoutTube channel.

Premium Options

Mind-Body Mastery Membership

An all-inclusive space to get straight to the core of recovery work within a community-centred trauma-informed platform. Whether you're just starting your journey to healing or seeking specific recovery tools and practices to support you, this membership allows you to create a simple routine tailored to your needs at a monthly budget-friendly price (£42/month).

Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork

My gentle yoga practices teach you how to move safely and self-soothe. Ideal for anyone looking for simple ways to regulate their nervous system or get out of their heads and into their bodies to support healing. 
Find out more

Simplified Learning

Learn all about the mind-body connection and the key steps of healing. Understand your nervous system, the impact of trauma and survival strategies and the proven neuroscience behind chronic symptoms and recovery.
Find out more

Emotional Self-Inquiry

Guided emotional exercises and compassionate self-reflection practices that help you express and process difficult emotions, understand your protective survival patterns and maladaptive behaviours and unravel barriers to healing.
Find out more

Private in-depth personal support + coaching

Work directly with me as your guide face-to-face online. These are the current options for private 1-2-1 support that I offer.

Short Discovery Zoom Call

If you're unsure where to start, let's talk! Gain clarity on this 15-minute Zoom as to what I offer in this self-healing space and where to best apply your focus according to your needs. Please note this is not a coaching call. (£55)
Book a 15-min call

1:1 Private Support on Zoom

Individual 90-minute compassionate coaching calls for private personalised direction, advice, guidance and support in your healing journey. These calls include recordings. (£145) Discounts on booking 4 or more.
Book a Call

1-2-1 Yoga

1-hour compassionate connection on Zoom combining restorative movement, meditation and breathing, plus advice and support for your home practice. Ideal for anyone looking for private tailor-made classes. (Includes recording). (£145)
Find out more

Dani Fagan

About Me

I specialise in the care of the chronic condition/mind-body medicine community, having healed from years of chronic pain and anxiety using these tools myself. My approach to mind-body healing harnesses the power of the nervous system to help you recover from chronic symptoms by training the body-mind into a place of safety, out of fight-flight-freeze autopilot 'survival mode'. 

My work helps you in releasing distress, fear, frustration, pain and anxiety. This content is for absolutely anyone, but is particularly beneficial to those suffering from persistent mind-body symptoms, pain, lack of self-compassion, racing thoughts, anxiety, trauma, and any form of emotional or physical distress. 

Let's connect on social media, I'm on Facebook or Instagram.

Got a question? Drop me an email.

Your Testimonials

See what folks are saying about working with me.

I am a completely different person

I have seen such a huge shift and am so much more aware when these parts show up (people-pleasing and perfectionism). I’ve already seen shifts in my relationship with my partner too Thank you so much, Dani, for this fantastic course and the energy and guidance you bring to this work! I am a completely different person than when we met last summer! My body has healed in ways I couldn’t imagine. I am forever grateful for introducing me to TMS and this work!


I found you and everything changed

I listened to you on podcasts and interviews on YouTube and my immediate reaction was one of safety. You create a container of safety that is palpable, desperately needed, and cherished. Through your classes, I immediately feel seen, heard and validated. You radiate an authentic knowledge and energy that shows all your students that you have been where I was/am/may pain and terrified. You bring authenticity to the practices and classes that are filled with compassion and love. And in turn, I can take that and soften towards myself in this ongoing process of healing. I cannot express how deeply I appreciate you and your work and what you bring to the chronic pain community and the world at large. You are a gift and blessing. Thank you Dani.


Just WOW!

First of all just wow! I just did your embodiment class and it was amazing!! I’ve been stuck with feeling my emotions and embodiment, there has definitely been a lot of resistance there, but I actually felt sensations during ur masterclass, the whole guided practice made me feel confident and proud. Your support, reassurance, tone and guidance really helped me to just let go and not be afraid to feel! I can’t wait for more, they're just what I need to help overcome the fear/resistance and tap into my body! Thank you so much Dani x


Huge improvement in symptoms

I am absolutely loving my yoga nidra bundle. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my physical symptoms. For the last week and a half I’ve been walking 3-4 miles a day. This is huge for me.


So much better!

Thank you Dani for your on-demand yoga videos. I'm in Australia and heard about you through Nicole Sachs' community. In 3 months of doing your videos, my fibromyalgia and arthritis pain, stiffness and fear of moving have significantly improved. I love yoga Nidra before bed I find so much calm!

Geraldine x

I'm loving it!

I am loving this new meditation bundle! I've got your course material too which is my constant companion every night and really excited to have some new material to work with from you. Yours is the favorite voice in my head Dani! :)


Just what I needed!

Dani your ability to soothe me even before the practice begins is one of my favorite things about you! I love the different angles of recovery that you touch on in this meditation pack, it's definitely my new go-to ♥♥


Oh the tears and relief!

I'm so pleased I got in on the pre-order of your mini-course, I have learned to really trust what you share and provide for us Dani. I feel so much better after listening to these new offerings. I absolutely love them you are a gift!


Divine Timing

Finally got around to starting and the meditations were absolutely perfect. A real case of synchronicity, I saw you on Facebook and just bought them by instinct - it turned out to be exactly what I needed. Thank you so much, this will help me enormously on my journey. Much appreciated, love -



I’m so pleased to have found your program - it’s been a life changer for me (Re: Emotional Embodiment Course).


Feelings are meant to be felt

YES!! This is exactly what I was missing. I didn’t realise feelings were meant to be FELT. Amazing how much I was feeling in my body for the first time! The intensity passed so quickly. I feel kinda lighter too. (Re: Emotional Embodiment Course).


The most I've ever improved

I think I told you before but I'll just let you know again, Dani your website is killer, it's really helping my motivation... I've had fibromyalgia pretty severe for 20 years, but this past year from discovering Curable and your website I have improved the most I ever have and confident I will continue to do so.


Nothing has opened me like this to date

So far I’ve had very powerful responses to the emotional work and really accessing the feelings in my body.  I’m so amazed at how much is coming to the forefront for me. Nothing has opened me like this to date and I can now see the ways I’ve numbed and had many maladaptive behaviours throughout my life. I’m now seeing how much forgiveness I need to have for me. Thank you Dani.
Sara Lynne

A fundamental part of my healing

I took your Foundations of Mind Body Healing class live back in the Spring. It ended up being such a fundamental part of my healing journey and got me fully ready for the mind-body approach. Months later I'm seeing things with much more clarity and the symptoms have dialed down enough to go deeper into the emotional exploration approach rather than just being stuck in fear.


Thank you

Your website is ESSENTIAL to the TMS community. I just wanted to thank you for putting so much time, love, and attention into creating this space. The design, the writing, and your own works are indelibly serving so many.
