The Foundations of Mind-Body Healing

Learn all about the essential steps of chronic condition recovery with my self-paced on-demand series 8-part Masterclass Series. Master the mind-body connection and gain clarity, knowledge and motivation in your journey to healing your bodymind.

The full contents outline can be found below and you get lifetime access to all 8 video masterclasses plus workbooks, transcripts, Q+A sessions, audio recordings, 5 unique meditations and access to our private community group.

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The Foundations of Mind-Body Healing image.
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Master the mind-body connection and how to self-heal

Over 8 sessions we will explore the essential steps to take when healing chronic conditions, to learn and understand where it is you need to lay your focus to create the space and shifts needed to recover. The class contents are as follows:

Understand the mind-body connection

Learn how and why chronic conditions evolve and our brain’s role in creating symptoms. Understand the importance of knowledge and belief in the mind-body approach.

Meet your nervous system

Learn about your stress response states and how perceived danger can create a dysregulation loop. Explore gentle practices to self-regulate, stimulate the Vagus nerve and reduce chronic inflammation.

Explore the critcal role of safety

Understand how to identify threats, ease the stress response and undo old patterns and behaviours. Overcome healing barriers perpetuating symptoms and learn how to self-soothe with your body.

Befriend your body + your symptoms

Learn about graded exposure, removing pressure and pacing your recovery. Understand symptom imperatives and how to navigate setbacks. Eradicate fear with somatic tracking and neuroplasticity.

Change your mindset + rewire the brain

Understand the powerful influence of your mindset, how to challenge your thoughts and shift your internal state. Implement practices that interrupt old patterns, instilling new beliefs and behaviours.

Emotional expression + embodiment

Give suppressed feelings a voice and experience them somatically. Befriend your emotions and their related sensations through emotional journaling, expression techniques and intercepting your triggers.

Cultivate self-compassion

Uncover and support your varied parts and create a transformational relationship with who you are. Learn practices that help you with acceptance, kindness + forgiveness by befriending your inner child.

Create your healing roadmap

Identify where you need to apply your focus and commit to living in a way that cultivates belief and hope. Learn how to create a practical routine, troubleshoot setbacks + maintenance planning.

8 Masterclass Recordings + Live Q&A

8 x 1 hour classes + 30min Q&A. Plus class transcripts, audio-only files, bonus downloadable meditations and workbooks (lifetime access).

8-part Masterclass Price + Contents

8 Video Masterclasses + Q&As, downloadable class transcripts, workbooks, homework invitations, audio-only files + bonus downloadable meditations. This series is a must if you're feeling stuck or not knowing where to start on your healing journey!

(Option to split payment over two months).

Lifetime Access (Approx $310 USD)

Key Benefits of this Series

What to expect from The Foundations of Mind-Body Healing Masterclass Series.

  • Gain clarity on where you need to focus to create lasting change.
  • Have your questions answered face to face.
  • Understand and trust the connection between brain and body.
  • Befriend your symptoms, your emotions and yourSELF.
  • Regulate your nervous system out of fight-flight-freeze.
  • Lighten the load of your healing journey.
  • Understand how to self-heal in a simplified, digestible + practical format.
  • Learn how to respond to set-backs and blips in the road.
  • Create your own unique healing roadmap.
  • Gain support from me and other participants in our private community.
  • Get downloadable meditations and resources to use forever.


Hear what participants have to say.

A fundamental part of my healing

I took your course back in the Spring. It ended up being such a fundamental part of my healing journey and got me fully ready for the mind-body approach. Months later I'm seeing things with much more clarity and the symptoms have dialed down enough to go deeper into the emotional exploration approach rather than just being stuck in fear!


I believe!

Thank you so much for the work you’re doing, I wanted to email and show you the respect you deserve - 10 out of 10. I've already gained some fantastic knowledge in the course after the first session alone. After reading about you in the DailyMail online I immediately looked to book your course, I could finally relate and really want to engage and hear more. I was nervous about joining the course, but I instantly felt relaxed though and would most definitely not normally been one to share my screen. I'm really enjoying it, the meditation blew me away. I was really struggling a few weeks back and I'd never meditated before but I couldn't believe the difference afterwards. Also the chair I sit on is probably not ideal but to sit there for 90 mins with relatively few issues and not having to stand is again a great sign for me of a relaxed state. The workbooks are great to get the main points out of the topics we're learning and I love the small tasks you set, like the ear massage, for example, spot on. That was really helpful and something I'll continue to use now.  Keep up the good work and thank you again!


My best 2023 decision so far!

I just finished listening to the first session, WOW. I love your voice and calm energy. I really loved the relaxation bit at the start, felt great. Then all your content was gold, and I checked the Workbook and it’s full of gold. Thank you so so much, this is my best 2023 decision so far. 😍❤️


Finally something easy to understand.

Thank you for always creating your messaging and content in a way that breaks things down into simplified concepts, the mind-body healing learning can be so confusing and nuanced, I love the way you teach! 


I found you and everything changed.

I listened to you on podcasts and interviews on Youtube and my immediate reaction was one of safety. You create a container of safety that is palpable, desperately needed, and cherished. Through your classes, I immediately feel seen, heard and validated. You radiate an authentic knowledge and energy that shows all your students that you have been where I was/am/may pain and terrified. You bring authenticity to the practices and classes that are filled with compassion and love. And in turn, I can take that and soften towards myself in this ongoing process of healing. I cannot express how deeply I appreciate you and your work and what you bring to the chronic pain community and the world at large. You are a gift and blessing. Thank you Dani.

Anne H

What a gift to myself.

I have found your classes profoundly beautiful, deeply healing, and a balm to my frazzled nervous system. I now have more knowledge and tools for various emotional situations and a greater capacity to allow emotions to run through my body in real time with conscious awareness. You have made me laugh, cry, and release shit long buried and in need of release. Thank you!

Herman A

Everything changed when I found you!

I’ve been on a massive recovery journey from TMS pain and PTSD, doing a lot of work, physically and mentally and your classes are an incredible part of my recovery formula. Your Inner Child work provided a very healing breakthrough experience and a major shift for me. I had been working on it for a while, but hadn’t been able to attain this level of healing integration and shift. I can’t wait to explore more of your classes. Thank you, Dani!



Everyone always tells you to feel your feelings or sit with your emotions but you actually showed us how to do that. You know I'm your biggest fan, but you really knocked it out of the park. Love you! 

Dani Fagan

About me

Hi, I'm Dani Fagan and I specialise in the care of the chronic condition/mind-body medicine community, having healed from years of chronic pain and anxiety using these tools myself. My approach to mind-body healing harnesses the power of the nervous system to help you recover from chronic symptoms by training the body-mind into a place of safety, out of fight-flight-freeze survival mode. This Masterclass Series is ideal for anyone suffering from persistent symptoms that maybe feels stuck or lost in where to apply their focus. If you lack direction, self-compassion, or suffer from racing thoughts, anxiety, trauma, and any form of emotional or physical distress - this is for you. Other ways I can help you can be found here.

Got a question? Drop me an email.

8-part Masterclass Price + Contents

8 Video Masterclasses + Q&As, downloadable class transcripts, workbooks, homework invitations, audio-only files + bonus downloadable meditations. This series is a must if you're feeling stuck or not knowing where to start on your healing journey!

(Option to split payment over two months).

Lifetime Access (Approx $404 USD)