Heal chronic physical conditions with the mind-body connection

Chronic pain and many other persistent physical conditions can be caused by prolonged emotional strain. When our nervous system gets stuck in a sustained state of fight-or-flight - symptoms can appear both physically and mentally. These chronic conditions are known collectively as TMS). But symptoms like pain or anxiety do not necessarily equal illness or damage and the good news is, these symptoms do not have to be a life sentence.

I'm Dani Fagan, find out how I became my own medicine and broke free from years of chronic back pain and nervous system dysregulation. Learn how to take your life back and heal yourself with the resources on this website. Here's all the ways I can help you, take a look at my signature Mind-Body Mastery Membership or book 1-2-1 support.

How can I help you?
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Use my mind-body healing journey to inspire yours

Find out more about the individual steps to recovery from chronic conditions using the mind-body connection. All of these resources are free.
All the steps I took to heal + my personal milestones story.
Practical advice + important expert information to follow.
Hours of free audio interviews with Dani to learn from + gain motivation.
Connect with me for personal insight, guidance, community + support.

Where to start and how to heal

The mind-body recovery space has become saturated with coaches, programs, complex science and healing modalities, and it can be an overwhelming place to find answers you can trust. My goal in this self-healing space is to simplify and remove all the unnecessary 'fluff' from mind-body medicine field, I’ve done the research for you and only share resources and methods I know that work and don't cost the earth, if anything at all. No matter what brought you here, this is a great place to start...

Recovery Journey Roadmap

The relationship between our emotions and physical disorders is still relatively misunderstood by today's western medical model, which typically prefers to treat only our symptoms with medicines and surgeries and do not treat the root causes.

Chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, POTS and many other common chronic conditions can be rooted in nervous system dysregulation and recovery from these conditions are collectively referred to as TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome or The Mindbody Syndrome) involves both a psychological and nervous system approach. 

This 6-part Recovery Journey Roadmap highlights the recovery steps you can follow at home for free including a what to expect whilst healing guide and guidance on how to adopt these healing practices with my favourite mind-body resources and tools, classes and online courses to support you through your recovery. 

Get Started

What to expect

Find out everything I wish I had known at the beginning of my healing journey.

Ways to work with me

A frustrating part of healing is that the bulk of the 'work' is on you - your effort and involvement in learning, researching, trusting, understanding and implementing the steps necessary for mind-body and nervous system healing. However, budget allowing, there are a few ways I can help you privately. I’ve been where you are and come through the other side, let me help you do the same.
Get out of your head and into your body & regulate your nervous system with online classes, part of the Mind-Body Mastery Membership.
Educational & practical resources to master the mind-body connection and demystify complex topics.
Connect with me on Zoom for personalised guidance, support + accountability in your healing.
All the ways I can help you are outlined here:

Latest Resources

Go to the main Resources page to see more, filter for specific subjects and save your favourites.
My favourite books on mind-body medicine
There’s been a flurry of new releases recently, so I figured it was a good time to highlight my most recommended reads in the chronic recovery space.
Mind Your Body - Nicole Sachs LCSW's brand new book
Order Nicole Sachs' new book, her life's work all in one place!
The root cause of autoimmune disease - Dr Sara Gottfried on the Doctor's Farmacy podcast
Covering themes from her book "The Autoimmune Cure" Dr Gottfried discusses the prevalence of trauma in the manifestation of autoimmune conditions.
I am not rushing my healing, I surrender to it...

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