Content By Alan Gordon LCSW + Related Resources

Pain Brain Documentary featuring Alan Gordon
A remarkable film featuring Alan Gordon LCSW and Howard Schubiner MD that compellingly illustrates why Pain Reprocessing Therapy is so successful.
How to release the fear of chronic pain and symptom relapse
I get asked about this a lot and it's one of the biggest sticking points for many chronic symptom sufferers. Check out this list of helpful tips.
Chronic pain is treatable when we focus on the brain - Washington Post
More mainstream media coverage from the Washington Post around the new Boulder Study for chronic pain featuring Alan Gordon, Nicole Sachs & Curable.
The Boulder Back Pain Study - Proof that a psychological approach can cure chronic pain
A groundbreaking study delivers some of the strongest evidence yet that a psychological approach can provide a cure for chronic pain patients.
The Way Out book by Alan Gordon LCSW
This book is the simplest (and funniest) account and explanation of how to disarm the pain > fear cycle, an easy read with many invaluable insights.
Why we resist mind-body healing work
My thoughts on why we all feel resistance to starting or maintaining a consistent recovery routine. If you're feeling like this, you are NOT alone!
Dr David Hanscom on Good Morning America - Combat Back Pain without Surgery
Exciting to see Dr Hanscom featured on Good Morning America / ABC News promoting the mind-body connection and recovery from back pain without surgery!
The five 'F's of TMS mindset retraining
Dr Howards Schubiner's five 'F's, what NOT to do when healing from a stress illness, inspired by a recent episode from the Mind and Fitness Podcast.
The 21-Day Pain Recovery Program
A detailed online program outlining easy-to-understand educational information and tips to help you understand what your body is telling you and why.
TMS Wiki
A treasure trove of practical information, real success stories, expert Q&As and conversations on TMS and recovery. TMS Wiki is the TMS bible.
Curable is a TMS recovery App, focused on teaching you about pain/brain science and giving you tools and exercises to work through healing TMS.

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The Meaning of Truth - JournalSpeak Book
The first published book by Nicole Sachs LCSW telling her own recovery story and how she uncovered a new journalling style that cured her symptoms.
Thank you Dr Sarno - Patient Letters
Thank you Dr Sarno, is a website dedicated solely to thank you letters from his patients.
Dr John Sarno
Dr Sarno discovered that a psychosomatic condition can produce physical symptoms. His mind-body medicine legacy continues to help millions, globally.
All the Rage: Saved by Sarno Documentary
A fabulous documentary on healing chronic pain with emotional work, following Michael Galinsky's healing and the life-changing work of Dr John Sarno.
TMS Wiki
A treasure trove of practical information, real success stories, expert Q&As and conversations on TMS and recovery. TMS Wiki is the TMS bible.
Curable is a TMS recovery App, focused on teaching you about pain/brain science and giving you tools and exercises to work through healing TMS.
JournalSpeak by Nicole Sachs LCSW
JournalSpeak is a type of expressive writing therapy, founded and taught by psychotherapist Nicole Sachs LCSW and based on Dr Sarno's main principles.
Nicole Sachs LCSW
Nicole Sachs is a speaker, author, podcaster and psychotherapist. She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery.
Heal Yourself from Within Guided Meditation
Effortlessly melt away stress and anxiety with one of my favourite meditations. No need to 'do' anything or have any previous experience, just listen.

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