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Medical Practitioner
Dr Schechter is a pioneer in the mind-body medicine world, he worked closely with Dr Sarno in his early career and is currently part of the medical staff at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles specialising in family, sports and mind-body medicine. He is also on the faculty at Southern California's School of Medicine, has his own medical practice in Los Angeles California, is an author, researcher and lecturer on mind-body medicine approach.
Dr Schechter suffered from chronic knee pain that wasn't able to be successfully diagnosed or treated within the mainstream medical system. He had the opportunity to see Dr Sarno personally as a patient and once he had presented his case, (fully expecting a physiotherapy type prescription) he was instead offered a brand new diagnosis based on Sarno's now-famous psychosomatic approach. From what he was told about the typical TMS patient personality, that really resonated him and Sarno's treatment, diagnosis and seminar lectures made total sense with the type of pain along with the lifestyle he was experiencing.
Since healing using mind-body medicine himself, Dr Schechter started to work with Dr Sarno as his junior colleague and was involved in many of Sarno's studies dealing with many of his patients. He later started his own practice in California and was receiving referral patients from Dr Sarno directly. Dr Schechter wrote 'The Mind-body Workbook' in 1999 - a guided journalling exercise book and offered live seminars and recorded lectures to patients unable to attend in person. His most recent book is 'Think Away Your Pain'. Naturally, things have evolved dramatically since then and Dr Schechter's practice continues to lead in the field of mind-body medicine and TMS diagnosis and treatment, he appears regularly in live seminars in this field and has recently been interviewed on Curable's Hope for Healing webinar series, hosted by Dr Stracks.
I have to add, that the thing I love most about these TMS expert physicians is that their goal is to see patients as LITTLE as possible, to empower them to heal themselves with the right tools and guidance. Not to make them a lifelong patient undergoing surgeries and different medications and treatments to relieve their pain, their goal is to CURE and I LOVE THAT.
The free Recovery Journey Roadmap is a great place to start understanding mind-body medicine, then when you're ready, check my Mind-Body Mastery Membership - the ultimate recovery toolkit with everything you need to heal all under one roof. Further details on all the ways I can help you are outlined here. Let's connect on social media, I'm on Facebook or Instagram or contact me here.
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