
A list of content related to Videos.

Dr David Clarke - TMS questions & answers
The PPDA president answers questions chronic pain patients and medically unexplained symptoms, a great introduction to the stress illness.
Hope for Healing video series by Curable
Hope for Healing is a fabulous series of video episodes created by Curable and hosted by MD John Stracks, interviewing experts in the mind-body world.
Pain Free You - TMS coaching videos by Dan Buglio
Your daily dose of FREE education & motivation from expert coach Dan Buglio, inspirational videos that will help set you free from a fearful mindset.
Rewire your mindset from fear to condifence
Having the right mindset and redirecting maladaptive patterns, thought spirals and beliefs gives you the tools to banish chronic conditions for good.
Believe in your ability to heal yourself
Building your belief in TMS can be tricky and take time - you are battling against what you have been told & believed your whole life.
All the Rage: Saved by Sarno Documentary
A fabulous documentary on healing chronic pain with emotional work, following Michael Galinsky's healing and the life-changing work of Dr John Sarno.
Dan Buglio
Dan is a TMS Coach and content creator, posting new videos daily. Known as the "mindset man" he has a friendly and refreshing no-nonsense approach.

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