
My favourite tools, videos and articles to help you along your healing journey.

Emotional Embodiment Masterclass Series
A 12-part online masterclass series. Master the mind-body connection with guided self-inquiry exercises, journaling, movement, breath + meditation.
Mind-Body interview on chronic pain and anxiety with Aoife McCormack
My recent conversation with transformational healing coach Aoife McCormack, talking all things self-compassion and holistically healing the body-mind.
Dr Dan Ratner - the effect of self-esteem on chronic pain
A fun and insightful conversation with Psychologist, Podcast host and mind-body expert, discussing the importance of self-empowerment in TMS recovery.
Mind-Body Meditations bundle for chronic recovery Vol 1
The ideal guided mediation pack to accompany recovery work, created for folks working on self-inquiry, nervous system regulation + mind-body healing.
How to release the fear of chronic pain and symptom relapse
I get asked about this a lot and it's one of the biggest sticking points for many chronic symptom sufferers. Check out this list of helpful tips.
Phil de la Haye - a life transformed through chronic pain
A long and difficult journey turned around by the power of self-belief, determination and mind-body magic, this story is nothing short of miraculous.
Your Stories - Kounthea Richards - Complete recovery from Lupus
From complete rock bottom considering ending her life to thriving, healthy and vibrant. You won't want to miss this special episode with Kounthea.
LOVE HEALS Documentary - Dana's Chronic Pain Story
I'm excited to share this amazing new film with you. Created by my dear friends Dana & Krisanna, follow Dana as she searches for answers and healing.
Dynamic Healing Podcast - Break Free from Chronic Pain
Dr David Hanscom & Dr Les Aria have a podcast! I've been a fan of their Facebook live videos for some time so I'm excited to see them broadcasting!
How I used my brain and body to cure my chronic pain - Lin Health Interview
A new interview on my recovery - presented by Lin Health. A remote chronic pain care program that offers science-based chronic pain care solutions.
Lu Lu Padmore - pelvic pain and the power of self compassion
A tough story to hear but one of really incredible courage and refusal to accept pain as a life sentence. Trigger Warning: suicide and sexual assault.
Come Home to Yourself -My mind-body evening rituals mini-course
A self-paced online course packed with nervous-system informed resources to support you through your healing journey, made with love by Dani Fagan.
Unmask E-books Unmask E books - overcoming Perfectionism and people-pleasing course Unmask Course Unmask Course I Can Help I can help you heal Foundations of Mind-Body Healing Mind-body Masterclass Emotional Embodiment Series Emotional Embodiment TMS Course Yoga with Dani Fagan Yoga for TMS My Mind-Body Course Mind-Body TMS Course Nourishing Nidra Mega Bundle (Vol 1) Nourishing Nidra Mega Bundle Mind-Body Meditations Mind-Body Meditation Bundle Private Coaching Private Mind body healing coaching
If I hurt, that’s OK, I carry on regardless with love...

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