Dr Sarno

A list of content related to Dr Sarno.

Understanding TMS and why it exists within the body is crucial to this process working for you, the principles are simple yet also tricky to believe.
Recovery Journey Roadmap
Discover the steps I used to fully recover. Find out what to expect and how to manage with valuable resources and essential expert tools.
Thank you Dr Sarno - Patient Letters
Thank you Dr Sarno, is a website dedicated solely to thank you letters from his patients.
Dr John Sarno
Dr Sarno discovered that a psychosomatic condition can produce physical symptoms. His mind-body medicine legacy continues to help millions, globally.
All the Rage: Saved by Sarno Documentary
A fabulous documentary on healing chronic pain with emotional work, following Michael Galinsky's healing and the life-changing work of Dr John Sarno.
TMS Wiki
A treasure trove of practical information, real success stories, expert Q&As and conversations on TMS and recovery. TMS Wiki is the TMS bible.
JournalSpeak by Nicole Sachs LCSW
JournalSpeak is a type of expressive writing therapy, founded and taught by psychotherapist Nicole Sachs LCSW and based on Dr Sarno's main principles.
Nicole Sachs LCSW
Nicole Sachs is a speaker, author, podcaster and psychotherapist. She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery.

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