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The much anticipated second book by Nicole Sachs LCSW "Mind Your Body" is available to order from all your favourite online bookstores!
Mind Your Body is a heartfelt culmination of over two decades of Nicole's dedicated work in mind-body healing, particularly for chronic pain, anxiety and other persistent stress-related conditions. If you haven't heard of Nicole Sachs there is plenty on this website about her and the recovery protocol she teaches. She is a psychotherapist and a mentee of Dr. John Sarno and has been a beacon of hope for many, including me (Dani Fagan), in understanding and overcoming chronic pain through emotional healing. I wouldn't be where I am today without her guidance and teachings, I owe my life to her and Dr Sarno and this website is dedicated to her!
Nicole's protocol consists of three main components - 1. believe - 2. do the work - 3. patience and compassion - and the book is thoughtfully divided into three sections that reflect this as follows:
This section delves into the brain science behind chronic pain and the importance of overcoming scepticism. It's about understanding that our mindset plays a critical role in how we perceive and experience pain. Nicole emphasises that healing begins with the belief that it's possible, echoing the transformative journey that I experienced embracing these concepts. Take a look at my Free Recovery Journey Roadmap for more information on this).
Here, Nicole provides a detailed explanation of her journaling technique known as "JournalSpeak". This practice is about accessing and releasing repressed emotions, which are often at the root of chronic pain. I found this technique instrumental in my own healing journey, as it allowed me to confront and process deep-seated yet hidden away emotions in a safe and structured way.
The final section focuses on inner child work and developing patience and kindness towards oneself and how crucial it is in the healing process, as it fosters a nurturing environment for emotional exploration and growth. I feel that this part was absolutely fundamental to my healing, adopting a compassionate approach to both myself and my symptoms and emotions was transformational for my recovery and life thereafter.
Throughout the book, Nicole shares inspiring success stories from people of all ages and backgrounds, that serve to motivate readers, demonstrate the power of mind-body healing and essentially consolidate her vast knowledge and experience into a single, accessible resource that hopefully will aid in shifting the Western medical model's approach to chronic conditions to a more holistic one.
Check out her podcast episode all about it here you can also find her podcast information here - The Cure for Chronic Pain Podcast.
The free Recovery Journey Roadmap is a great place to start understanding mind-body medicine, then when you're ready, check my Mind-Body Mastery Membership - the ultimate recovery toolkit with everything you need to heal all under one roof. Further details on all the ways I can help you are outlined here. Let's connect on social media, I'm on Facebook or Instagram or contact me here.
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