Exposure Therapy

A list of content related to Exposure Therapy.

My favourite books on mind-body medicine
There’s been a flurry of new releases recently, so I figured it was a good time to highlight my most recommended reads in the chronic recovery space.
Mind Your Body - Nicole Sachs LCSW's brand new book
Order Nicole Sachs' new book, her life's work all in one place!
The root cause of autoimmune disease - Dr Sara Gottfried on the Doctor's Farmacy podcast
Covering themes from her book "The Autoimmune Cure" Dr Gottfried discusses the prevalence of trauma in the manifestation of autoimmune conditions.
Self healing the mindbody circus of symptoms with Dani Fagan on The Curiosity Cure Podcast with Deb Malkin
A fun and liberating conversation on all things chronic recovery, including my ever-growing laundry list of symptoms I have overcome with this work.
Unmasking your Authenticity - Chronic Pain to Passion podcast with Dani Fagan and Anna Holtzman
Possibly my favourite conversation on the roots of chronic symptoms, and what chronic pain recovery work involves from a psychological perspective.
How to befriend your mind-body symptoms and why it's important in healing
Shifting our perspective from fear and frustration to empathy and understanding can change the way our brain perceives and processes pain/symptoms.
Unweaving Chronic Pain Podcast with Dr Andrea Moore and Dani Fagan
A fresh perspective on chronic pain recovery with oodles of personal insight into the powers of emotional awareness for mind-body healing.
How to shut down hypervigilance of chronic symptoms
The more we experience hypervigilance the more it becomes an "autopilot" behaviour. That is - until we train ourselves to bring it into consciousness.
The Spoonie Podcast with Emily Fraser and Dani Fagan
A conversation packed with insight and our shared passion for chronic illness recovery and healing using the mind-body connection.
Your Stories - Dani Fagan - my chronic pain to self-love story
Charlotte Faul hosts Your Stories this week to interview me! An honest and vulnerable conversation of moving through pain and finding purpose.
Your Stories - Kounthea Richards - Complete recovery from Lupus
From complete rock bottom considering ending her life to thriving, healthy and vibrant. You won't want to miss this special episode with Kounthea.
Dr Dan Ratner - the effect of self-esteem on chronic pain
A fun and insightful conversation with Psychologist, Podcast host and mind-body expert, discussing the importance of self-empowerment in TMS recovery.

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