Content By Dr John Sarno + Related Resources

Dani Fagan's interview with Dr Dan Ratner on the Crushing Doubt Podcast
I love Dan's approach so much. His energy is so warm and compassionate and just so enjoyable to be around. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
The Way Out book by Alan Gordon LCSW
This book is the simplest (and funniest) account and explanation of how to disarm the pain > fear cycle, an easy read with many invaluable insights.
Your Stories - Dani Fagan - my chronic pain to self-love story
Charlotte Faul hosts Your Stories this week to interview me! An honest and vulnerable conversation of moving through pain and finding purpose.
Mind-Body Recovery Interview with Dani Fagan on The Chronic Comeback Podcast
I loved chatting to Phil Hadfield on his podcast about my healing journey, explaining the mind-body connection and how I healed my chronic back pain.
Dani Fagan interview with Eddy Lindenstein on The Mind & Fitness Podcast
I'm a huge fan of Eddy, his easygoing approach and his brilliant podcast, I had a blast chatting to him recently for an episode about my TMS recovery.
Karen Isaacs Goldman - Dr Sarno & Nicole Sachs Recovery Triumph
Years of chronic headaches, allergies, knee, back and hip pain, TMJ, and anxiety to a life of freedom, courage and total triumph over her symptoms.
Catherine McDonnell - Movement is Medicine
From chronic shoulder, hip, knee and back pain to running ultra marathons, This story is filled with so much inspiration and wisdom, you'll love it!
Deb Malkin's Story - knee pain and perfectionism
How self-sabotaging hypervigilant thoughts kept her from feeling safe in her body and kept pain signals firing. Until she discovered mind-body work!
Jamie Sewell's Story - 30+ years of varied symptoms
An epic story through multiple layers of suffering to finally breaking through her headaches, carpal tunnel, back pain, fibromyalgia, you name it!
The Great Pain Deception - Book
This book is literally the encyclopedia of TMS, and in my opinion, one of the most important healing books of our time. A Steve Ozanich masterpiece!
Healing Back Pain - Book
Don't be put off by its title, although back pain is a very common symptom this book covers the many conditions and manifestations of TMS.

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Emotional self-inquiry and self-awareness
Uncovering suppressed distressing feelings has a miraculous effect on our physical body - release the steam valve and give them somewhere to vent!
Get your body moving again
The first thing that Dr Sarno recommended to do is to stop the fear of triggering chronic symptoms with Graded Exposure.
Learn about the mind-body connection
Understanding the mind-body connection is crucial, the principles are simple yet can also be hard to believe at first.
Recovery Journey Roadmap
Discover the steps I used to fully recover. Find out what to expect and how to manage with valuable resources and essential expert tools.
Thank you Dr Sarno - Patient Letters
Thank you Dr Sarno, is a website dedicated solely to thank you letters from his patients.
All the Rage: Saved by Sarno Documentary
A fabulous documentary on healing chronic pain with emotional work, following Michael Galinsky's healing and the life-changing work of Dr John Sarno.
TMS Wiki
A treasure trove of practical information, real success stories, expert Q&As and conversations on TMS and recovery. TMS Wiki is the TMS bible.
JournalSpeak by Nicole Sachs LCSW
JournalSpeak is a type of expressive writing therapy, founded and taught by psychotherapist Nicole Sachs LCSW and based on Dr Sarno's main principles.
Nicole Sachs LCSW
Nicole Sachs is a speaker, author, podcaster and psychotherapist. She worked with Dr Sarno and founded JournalSpeak, which was pivotal in my recovery.
I don't need to eliminate my sources of stress, just be aware of them...

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