Dr Sarno

A list of content related to Dr Sarno.

My favourite books on mind-body medicine
There’s been a flurry of new releases recently, so I figured it was a good time to highlight my most recommended reads in the chronic recovery space.
Mind Your Body - Nicole Sachs LCSW's brand new book
Pre-order is open for Nicole Sachs' new book, check out her introductory video and all the relevant links below.
Dani Fagan's chronic pain recovery story in the Daily Mail Online
I'm excited to share this coverage of my healing journey in one of the UK's biggest online newspapers, I hope it reaches those who need it most.
The Way Out book by Alan Gordon LCSW
This book is the simplest (and funniest) account and explanation of how to disarm the pain > fear cycle, an easy read with many invaluable insights.
Mastering Mind-Body Wellness Course by Caroline Lee Dewey LMSW
A new 3-month group coaching course featuring JournalSpeak practices, self-study, live coaching calls, healing exercises, Yoga Nidra and breathwork.
Caroline Lee Dewey LMSW
Caroline Lee Dewey LMSW is a coach, therapist, healer, and a JournalSpeak Integrative Specialist having trained directly with Nicole Sachs, LCSW.
Dr Dan Ratner - the effect of self-esteem on chronic pain
A fun and insightful conversation with Psychologist, Podcast host and mind-body expert, discussing the importance of self-empowerment in TMS recovery.
Phil de la Haye - a life transformed through chronic pain
A long and difficult journey turned around by the power of self-belief, determination and mind-body magic, this story is nothing short of miraculous.
Lu Lu Padmore - pelvic pain and the power of self compassion
A tough story to hear but one of really incredible courage and refusal to accept pain as a life sentence. Trigger Warning: suicide and sexual assault.
Stacey Dicks - the importance of exposure therapy in TMS recovery
A story of courage resilience, and a wonderful example of how despite TMS, we can gradually retrain our bodies to back into physical activity.
Karen Isaacs Goldman - Dr Sarno & Nicole Sachs Recovery Triumph
Years of chronic headaches, allergies, knee, back and hip pain, TMJ, and anxiety to a life of freedom, courage and total triumph over her symptoms.
Catherine McDonnell - Movement is Medicine
From chronic shoulder, hip, knee and back pain to running ultra marathons, This story is filled with so much inspiration and wisdom, you'll love it!

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