Case Study

A list of content related to Case Study.

Mind-Body Recovery Interview with Dani Fagan on The Chronic Comeback Podcast
I loved chatting to Phil Hadfield on his podcast about my healing journey, explaining the mind-body connection and how I healed my chronic back pain.
The Wisdom of Trauma - Featuring Dr Gabor Maté (Documentary & Trauma Talks)
Quite possibly the most important film we will ever watch on the effects of trauma on humanity. Featuring the compassionate work of Dr Gabor Maté.
Your Stories - Kounthea Richards - Complete recovery from Lupus
From complete rock bottom considering ending her life to thriving, healthy and vibrant. You won't want to miss this special episode with Kounthea.
Dani Fagan interview with Eddy Lindenstein on The Mind & Fitness Podcast
I'm a huge fan of Eddy, his easygoing approach and his brilliant podcast, I had a blast chatting to him recently for an episode about my TMS recovery.
Dr Dan Ratner - the effect of self-esteem on chronic pain
A fun and insightful conversation with Psychologist, Podcast host and mind-body expert, discussing the importance of self-empowerment in TMS recovery.
Phil de la Haye - a life transformed through chronic pain
A long and difficult journey turned around by the power of self-belief, determination and mind-body magic, this story is nothing short of miraculous.
Crushing Doubt Podcast by Dr Dan Ratner PsyD
Fabulous video podcast delivering TMS recovery insight, live patient treatment, expert interviews and bucketloads of important mind-body information.
How to FEEL your feelings physically, and why it matters in TMS recovery
Allowing our repressed emotions to surface and feeling them fully somatically is key to the nervous system exiting a persistent state of arousal.
The unexpected side effects of JournalSpeak by Nicole Sachs LCSW
When I started journaling I was hoping that it would cure my emotional wounds and my chronic pain, but what actually happened really shocked me.
Lu Lu Padmore - pelvic pain and the power of self compassion
A tough story to hear but one of really incredible courage and refusal to accept pain as a life sentence. Trigger Warning: suicide and sexual assault.
Stacey Dicks - the importance of exposure therapy in TMS recovery
A story of courage resilience, and a wonderful example of how despite TMS, we can gradually retrain our bodies to back into physical activity.
New TMS Roundtable interview - the power of yoga for TMS
My second video interview with TMS Roundtable, focussing on the many benefits of my Yoga for TMS classes, including a mini demo and live audience Q&A.

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