
A list of content related to Tool.

My interview on 'The Cure for Chronic Pain' Podcast with Nicole Sachs LCSW
I'm so excited to be back onto Nicole's FABULOUS podcast. This amazing lady and her JournalSpeak practice cured my chronic pain, check it out!
My interview on 'Our Power is Within' Podcast
My first interview since launching my yoga program, hosted by the lovely Chasmith, this episode covers all side of my TMS recovery story and beyond.
Music therapy for emotional connection
Music is an incredibly powerful, primal and instinctive way to tap into and influence our mood, and not just that, it has power to retrain our brain!
Increased anxiety (and other symptoms) on your recovery journey
A great video from nervous system expert Irene Lyon, exploring how biological anxiety, stored survival stress and old fight-or-flight energy shows up.
The Great Pain Deception - Book
This book is literally the encyclopedia of TMS, and in my opinion, one of the most important healing books of our time. A Steve Ozanich masterpiece!
TMS Roundtable Weekly Livestream
Broadcasting regularly Facebook Live, Dr Tova Goldfine interviews special guests and dives deep into TMS-related topics.
Breathwork and meditation for mind-body mastery - PART TWO
Breathwork & mediation offer more of an impact on the mind and body than physical yoga practice alone and has a broader benefit to our mental health.
YOGA - the key to mind-body mastery - PART ONE
Yoga was incredibly important in my recovery, I believe it is a fantastically appropriate form of therapy for both the body and mind in TMS sufferers.
My recovery interview on TMS Roundtable
My first live video interview about my story hosted by TMS Roundtable, focussing on the importance of mindset, journaling, meditation and yoga!
Gabor Maté on trauma, mental health & addiction
The first insight I had into Gabor Maté's work that sheds a blinding light onto mental and physical health problems & addictions caused by trauma.
Surrender to the Stillness - Meditation by Sarah Blondin
A perfect night-time mediation, angelic and poetic with an epic soundtrack to tap into your emotions and soothe yourself into blissful relaxation.
TMS journaling topics & themes
Not knowing what to write about is a really common roadblock in TMS recovery. I faced it many times myself. Here are some ideas to get you going.

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