
A list of content related to Tool.

I Know - Meditation by Sarah Blondin
A beautiful poetic meditation from the voice of a literal angel. When I was in the pit of my pain struggle, it felt like this was written for me.
How to dismantle self-limiting beliefs
Ideas and exercises I've been testing to render self-sabotage completely powerless so that it no longer triggers you or controls your life decisions.
Frequently Asked TMS Questions
Some of the most common questions I get asked, along with the appropriate links to more information with each answer.
The five 'F's of TMS mindset retraining
Dr Howards Schubiner's five 'F's, what NOT to do when healing from a stress illness, inspired by a recent episode from the Mind and Fitness Podcast.
Journal prompts & ideas for emotional release
Excavating your emotions through journaling can be a real challenge, you might know what you need to write about but feel stuck on how to start.
10 daily steps to chronic pain recovery
A shortlist of the 10 everyday steps I worked towards that got me through my chronic pain recovery process.
Hope for Healing video series by Curable
Hope for Healing is a fabulous series of video episodes created by Curable and hosted by MD John Stracks, interviewing experts in the mind-body world.
The Mind and Fitness Podcast with Eddy Lindenstein
A weekly podcast hosted by TMS survivor and fitness advocate Eddy Lindenstein, focusing on the mind-body connection, fitness and wellness.
What to expect while healing mind-body conditions
Everything I wish I had known at the beginning of my healing journey including pitfalls to avoid, summarised in one place to help you stay on track!
Healing Back Pain - Book
Don't be put off by its title, although back pain is a very common symptom this book covers the many conditions and manifestations of TMS.
Pain Free You - TMS coaching videos by Dan Buglio
Your daily dose of FREE education & motivation from expert coach Dan Buglio, inspirational videos that will help set you free from a fearful mindset.
Rewire your mindset from fear to condifence
Having the right mindset and redirecting maladaptive patterns, thought spirals and beliefs gives you the tools to banish chronic conditions for good.

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