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My new online mini-course is here and I'm so excited to share this with you!
An enormous part of my own healing journey from chronic back pain, anxiety, emotional wounds and all circus of chaos that carried with it was starting to trust my body and actually getting to know myself and how to self-soothe.
We get so stuck in our heads with our suffering, hating our pain and working mainly on our minds that we can forget that our bodies are actually very wise. Our physical self holds the key to unlocking our stored trauma, our bodies lead us to learn how to move without fear and how to actually enjoy being in our own presence. Our bodies can come back into balance through regulating the nervous system and returning to homeostasis. Our breath on its own can activate the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and pull us out of a stress response better than any other method, yet we tend to focus mainly on the brain in chronic pain healing.
I've created a series of my favourite tools and resources to guide you home to yourself and create your own personalised evening ritual (or series of rituals) to encourage you to feel grounded and centred, shifting away from the overactive monkey mind, and into the feeling body to create long-lasting healing leveraging the power of the mind-body connection.
Through really gentle restorative yoga practices, simple breathwork exercises, unique meditations and tools you will learn to soften your approach to your symptoms, your healing and yourself and really understand how to notice and feel your feelings somatically in your body to allow emotion to flow freely.
There's lots more information on the course site itself, along with why this is the perfect tool for the TMS community, and the full course contents, so I'll keep this page pretty brief...head over to the course page and check out the free introductory welcome video and previews over there. The course is completely self-paced and there's no agenda, coursework or challenging stuff in there at all. Just comforting supportive nervous system settling yumminess for you to own and practice at your own pace.
I hope you love using it as much as I did creating it.
The unlimited access price is £160.
I really want people to understand how fantastic this course is, it is so well-planned and organized. It is an excellent compilation of resources to help someone with chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, or high-stress levels (or actually anyone) to bring the nervous system to a place where you can rest deeply. It’s incredibly useful and I am someone who may have purchased an online course a time or two in the past few years, so I do know that this one is special! This is gold for us TMS folks. Jen ♥
Contact me if you have any questions and be sure to check out some of the reviews on the course details page.
Five unique guided meditations created specifically for chronic recovery and for folks just like you, each tailored to a specific healing theme (inner child healing, somatic tracking, feeling emotions physically, daily affirmations and self-compassion. Find out more about my bundle here.
Check out my other courses here and if you'd like more insight into my yoga work click here - yoga for TMS.
If you're new here check out my Recovery Journey Roadmap and let's connect on social media, I'm on Facebook or Instagram and post daily insight and inspiration over there.
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