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I'm so excited to finally launch this series of meditations created just for you!
An enormous part of my own healing journey from chronic back pain was incorporating practices that grounded me, that taught me how to self-soothe and tune into my body to understand what was going on inside me.
I wanted to create a series of meditations that you could keep, and practice regularly, that take you on an inner journey of sensation. Exploring how and where feelings live within your body, learning how to sit with difficult emotions, honour them somatically within you and soothe your nervous system deeply by connecting to your inner-child.
All five unique mediations are audio-only files, that you can either stream or download to your favourite devices. They are guided by me (Dani Fagan) and include gentle music, which can really help to connect inwards and to our emotional world.
1. Sitting with Difficult Emotions Meditation - A 20-minute guided meditation with music that first calms and connects you to your body and your emotional world, then allows you to address and acknowledge feelings you may have been pushing away, from a safe and deeply compassionate space. Allowing these emotions to flow freely through the body and to be held as we tune into the somatic self to feel them physically and give them the chance to dissipate.
2. Somatic Tracking & Embodiment Meditation - A 30-minute guided meditation with music that teaches the brain that sensations in the body are safe. We explore pleasant calm sensations, and also discomfort, learning how to get comfortable in the uncomfortable to retrain the brain into letting go of the fear of our physical symptoms.
3. Inner Child Meditation - A 30-minute guided meditation with music that allows you to connect with a part of you from your past, a younger adult self. Ideal for those of you that have difficulty connecting with a much younger self. Showing up for that version of us that experienced difficulty and our first adult struggles.
4. Self-Compassion & Somatic Exploration Meditation - A 21-minute guided meditation that allows the mind to focus deeply inwards, into the warmth of our physical body, away from racing thoughts and hypervigilance, progressively releasing tension and soothing the body-mind and heart from the inside.
5. Daily Affirmations Meditation - A 12-minute guided mediation that will slowly take you through the list of affirmations I created whilst I was recovering that I repeated back to myself every day as part of my daily recovery practice. It will help you cultivate self-belief and faith in the mind-body approach, and although many of the affirmations may not feel true for you at first, over time your doubts will fade and these statements will carry more weight and become your daily mantras.
I hope you love using it as much as I did creating it.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
If you'd like more insight into my yoga for TMS school click here - yoga for TMS, or check out my other courses and offerings here.
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