
A list of content related to Belief.

How to release the fear of chronic pain and symptom relapse
I get asked about this a lot and it's one of the biggest sticking points for many chronic symptom sufferers. Check out this list of helpful tips.
How I used my brain and body to cure my chronic pain - Lin Health Interview
A new interview on my recovery - presented by Lin Health. A remote chronic pain care program that offers science-based chronic pain care solutions.
Chronic pain is treatable when we focus on the brain - Washington Post
More mainstream media coverage from the Washington Post around the new Boulder Study for chronic pain featuring Alan Gordon, Nicole Sachs & Curable.
The Boulder Back Pain Study - Proof that a psychological approach can cure chronic pain
A groundbreaking study delivers some of the strongest evidence yet that a psychological approach can provide a cure for chronic pain patients.
Dani Fagan's interview with Dr Dan Ratner on the Crushing Doubt Podcast
I love Dan's approach so much. His energy is so warm and compassionate and just so enjoyable to be around. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
The Way Out book by Alan Gordon LCSW
This book is the simplest (and funniest) account and explanation of how to disarm the pain > fear cycle, an easy read with many invaluable insights.
Mind-Body Recovery Interview with Dani Fagan on The Chronic Comeback Podcast
I loved chatting to Phil Hadfield on his podcast about my healing journey, explaining the mind-body connection and how I healed my chronic back pain.
Dani Fagan interview with Eddy Lindenstein on The Mind & Fitness Podcast
I'm a huge fan of Eddy, his easygoing approach and his brilliant podcast, I had a blast chatting to him recently for an episode about my TMS recovery.
Crushing Doubt Podcast by Dr Dan Ratner PsyD
Fabulous video podcast delivering TMS recovery insight, live patient treatment, expert interviews and bucketloads of important mind-body information.
The Great Pain Deception - Book
This book is literally the encyclopedia of TMS, and in my opinion, one of the most important healing books of our time. A Steve Ozanich masterpiece!
Dr David Schechter
Dr Schechter is a specialist mind-body physician based in California, practicing as a Family and Sports Medicine Physician for over 25 years.
The role of the psoas muscle in common TMS symptoms
Could this be the key to explaining why back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain and digestive issues (amongst others) are so common in chronic suffering?

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