
A list of content related to Meditation.

The Cloud - Free Yoga Nidra Meditation
A sample from my Nourishing Nidra class, discover the many calming benefits of this dream state practice - a deeply relaxing visualisation meditation.
Stacey Dicks - the importance of exposure therapy in TMS recovery
A story of courage resilience, and a wonderful example of how despite TMS, we can gradually retrain our bodies to back into physical activity.
New TMS Roundtable interview - the power of yoga for TMS
My second video interview with TMS Roundtable, focussing on the many benefits of my Yoga for TMS classes, including a mini demo and live audience Q&A.
Karen Isaacs Goldman - Dr Sarno & Nicole Sachs Recovery Triumph
Years of chronic headaches, allergies, knee, back and hip pain, TMJ, and anxiety to a life of freedom, courage and total triumph over her symptoms.
Catherine McDonnell - Movement is Medicine
From chronic shoulder, hip, knee and back pain to running ultra marathons, This story is filled with so much inspiration and wisdom, you'll love it!
Happiful Magazine featured my True Story
Super exciting to see my story was featured in Feb 2021's edition of the UK's leading mental health magazine Happiful!
Winter Solstice Meditation with Dani Fagan
A sample from my recent yoga class, let's take this opportunity to release what no longer serves us in this life and shed some layers from this year.
Meditate with me - Calming Yoga Nidra
A sample from one of my recent yoga classes, an introduction to the sedative benefits of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) - a deeply relaxing meditation.
Breathwork and meditation for mind-body mastery - PART TWO
Breathwork & mediation offer more of an impact on the mind and body than physical yoga practice alone and has a broader benefit to our mental health.
YOGA - the key to mind-body mastery - PART ONE
Yoga was incredibly important in my recovery, I believe it is a fantastically appropriate form of therapy for both the body and mind in TMS sufferers.
Gabor Maté on trauma, mental health & addiction
The first insight I had into Gabor Maté's work that sheds a blinding light onto mental and physical health problems & addictions caused by trauma.
Surrender to the Stillness - Meditation by Sarah Blondin
A perfect night-time mediation, angelic and poetic with an epic soundtrack to tap into your emotions and soothe yourself into blissful relaxation.

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