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I found Dr Sarno's work before I found Nicole's, but she showed me the door into how to heal. She provided the tools I needed when I felt lost and stuck on how to put Sarno's teachings into action. For me, she bridged the gap between WHAT I KNOW and WHAT TO DO NEXT. After reading Sarno's book I got it, I knew I had TMS but I was unsure of how to fix things from there.
I will be eternally grateful to her, and much of this website's content will be about her teachings or lessons related to her approach to TMS recovery. Like most people that get into mind-body medicine, she herself suffered greatly from TMS. She was actually one of Dr Sarno's patients, followed closely by working alongside him and becoming his protegé as he became her mentor.
Nicole took direction from Dr Sarno himself, as he taught it, and without medication or surgery, triumphed over a diagnosis of severe Spondylolisthesis at the age of 19. She overcame her frightening prognosis by writing emotional essays daily, digging deep into herself to excavate the unconscious feelings and thoughts she had buried inside. Based on her own successes from this work, she founded the life-changing work she calls JournalSpeak, a daily writing practice that allows the soul to speak its absolute truth.
She teaches regularly online in virtual retreats, she hosts regular nationwide events in the US, she has two of her own online courses, a fabulous new book Mind Your Body and her self-published book 'The Meaning of Truth', a major following in her private Facebook group, a YouTube channel and a thriving Podcast with weekly episodes jammed with invaluable advice and support, case studies, realtime healing stories.
I had the honour of being interviewed on her podcast a while back when I first recovered, which I still get nervous thinking about but I'm glad I did it, even just to thank her directly, it was worth it. Then more recently in this episode to catch up on my life journey since then, including building this website and becoming a mind-body healing advocate and yoga teacher to the TMS Community.
As both a psychotherapist and patient of TMS herself, her approach is like a warm hug of empathy and understanding, scattered with a much-needed dose of tough love to keep you on track. She's like your favourite teacher that taught you invaluable life lessons, that you highly respect that you will never forget and think about often.
Her work is the real deal and it can heal you as it healed me. Although I'm not even sure 'healing' is the right word, because as she will tell you, you're already well, and you are...
Her attitude and approach resonated heavily with me, she teaches with empathy but also good humour and no-bull loving realness.
Nicole has dedicated her work and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain, symptoms, syndromes and conditions and although she no longer takes on private practice patients, you can find tonnes of free information from her and sign up for any number of her online resources listed here or on her website. Her Facebook group is particularly amazing, I've found so much help and healing here, along with thousands of other lucky participants, you can join for free, and all your posts are completely private to the group members only.
Thank you Nicole for showing me how to come through this. I dedicate this website to you!
The free Recovery Journey Roadmap is a great place to start understanding mind-body medicine, then when you're ready, check my Mind-Body Mastery Membership - the ultimate recovery toolkit with everything you need to heal all under one roof. Further details on all the ways I can help you are outlined here. Let's connect on social media, I'm on Facebook or Instagram or contact me here.
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