
My favourite tools, videos and articles to help you along your healing journey.

Charlotte Faul's Story - 15 years of chronic Sciatica
Although she has suffered for an intense period of time, her testimony doesn't focus much on her symptoms. Learn about her recovery milestones below.
The role of the psoas muscle in common TMS symptoms
Could this be the key to explaining why back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain and digestive issues (amongst others) are so common in chronic suffering?
Tell me about your pain podcast
Alan Gordon and Alon Ziv host Curable's latest Podcast series, sharing stories of chronic pain patients treated with the latest neuroscience methods.
10 daily steps to chronic pain recovery
A shortlist of the 10 everyday steps I worked towards that got me through my chronic pain recovery process.
The Mind and Fitness Podcast with Eddy Lindenstein
A weekly podcast hosted by TMS survivor and fitness advocate Eddy Lindenstein, focusing on the mind-body connection, fitness and wellness.
Hope for Healing video series by Curable
Hope for Healing is a fabulous series of video episodes created by Curable and hosted by MD John Stracks, interviewing experts in the mind-body world.
JournalSpeak by Nicole Sachs LCSW
JournalSpeak is a type of expressive writing therapy, founded and taught by psychotherapist Nicole Sachs LCSW and based on Dr Sarno's main principles.
Meditation for peace & positivity
A gorgeous guided meditation for anyone dealing with anxiety and insecurity. Bring more balance, more peace, and more positivity into your day.
My List of Daily Reminders & Affirmations
Dr Sarno coined a list of reminders many years ago and as I learned more about TMS I started to build my own list. Hopefully, it can help you too!
Feeling indifferent to your pain
This is such an important topic in recovery, find out how to starve your symptoms of negative attention and adopt a feeling of indifference to them.
TMS explained
One of the first videos I watched of Dan's, it covers all the bases necessary to understand why TMS exists, what are the symptoms and possible causes.
Curable is a TMS recovery App, focused on teaching you about pain/brain science and giving you tools and exercises to work through healing TMS.
Unmask E-books Unmask E books - overcoming Perfectionism and people-pleasing course Unmask Course Unmask Course I Can Help I can help you heal Foundations of Mind-Body Healing Mind-body Masterclass Emotional Embodiment Series Emotional Embodiment TMS Course Yoga with Dani Fagan Yoga for TMS My Mind-Body Course Mind-Body TMS Course Nourishing Nidra Mega Bundle (Vol 1) Nourishing Nidra Mega Bundle Mind-Body Meditations Mind-Body Meditation Bundle Private Coaching Private Mind body healing coaching
I am not anxious about hurting myself while exercising...

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