
My favourite tools, videos and articles to help you along your healing journey.

All the Rage: Saved by Sarno Documentary
A fabulous documentary on healing chronic pain with emotional work, following Michael Galinsky's healing and the life-changing work of Dr John Sarno.
The 21-Day Pain Recovery Program
A detailed online program outlining easy-to-understand educational information and tips to help you understand what your body is telling you and why.
The Cure for Chronic Pain Podcast
A weekly podcast hosted by Nicole Sachs, delivering TMS recovery insight, journaling help, real-time healing and success stories from her followers.
The Meaning of Truth - JournalSpeak Book
The first published book by Nicole Sachs LCSW telling her own recovery story and how she uncovered a new journalling style that cured her symptoms.
TMS Wiki
A treasure trove of practical information, real success stories, expert Q&As and conversations on TMS and recovery. TMS Wiki is the TMS bible.
Can journaling help to release physical pain? Podcast
Laura Seago interviews Nicole Sachs LCSW on Curable's Podcast "Like Mind, Like Body", find out more about her TMS recovery and JournalSpeak practice.
Are my symptoms TMS? Take Dan's online test
The most common question I see posted about TMS is this: "Are my symptoms TMS?" Understandably, this is a major hurdle for many to overcome.
Heal Yourself from Within Guided Meditation
Effortlessly melt away stress and anxiety with one of my favourite meditations. No need to 'do' anything or have any previous experience, just listen.

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