
A list of content related to Education.

Dr David Schechter
Dr Schechter is a specialist mind-body physician based in California, practicing as a Family and Sports Medicine Physician for over 25 years.
How to dismantle self-limiting beliefs
Ideas and exercises I've been testing to render self-sabotage completely powerless so that it no longer triggers you or controls your life decisions.
Frequently Asked TMS Questions
Some of the most common questions I get asked, along with the appropriate links to more information with each answer.
Dr David Clarke - TMS questions & answers
The PPDA president answers questions chronic pain patients and medically unexplained symptoms, a great introduction to the stress illness.
Dr David Clarke
President of the PPDA based in Portland, Oregon, a non-profit dedicated to advancing the diagnosis and treatment of stress-induced medical conditions.
The role of the psoas muscle in common TMS symptoms
Could this be the key to explaining why back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain and digestive issues (amongst others) are so common in chronic suffering?
Alan Gordon LCSW
Alan is the founder of the Pain Psychology Center in LA, a member of Curable's Scientific Advisory Board and professor at USC.
Hope for Healing video series by Curable
Hope for Healing is a fabulous series of video episodes created by Curable and hosted by MD John Stracks, interviewing experts in the mind-body world.
Dr John Stracks
Dr Stracks is a family & integrative medicine physician running his own hugely successful mind-body practice based in Chicago since 2017.
The Mind and Fitness Podcast with Eddy Lindenstein
A weekly podcast hosted by TMS survivor and fitness advocate Eddy Lindenstein, focusing on the mind-body connection, fitness and wellness.
What to expect while healing mind-body conditions
Everything I wish I had known at the beginning of my healing journey including pitfalls to avoid, summarised in one place to help you stay on track!
Healing Back Pain - Book
Don't be put off by its title, although back pain is a very common symptom this book covers the many conditions and manifestations of TMS.

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